Nation Forgotten is an ongoing transmedia project that tells the story of the neglect of Nigeria’s pensioners left to fend for themselves. It captures the various personal stories of neglect by the Nigerian government of its senior citizens. Through multimedia modes, their testimonies are made visible and offer agency, acting as a response to the disempowering circumstances they find themselves in. Through the personal testimonies of pensioners, this project highlights much wider societal problems, such as the impact of corruption, ineffectual public service and youth unemployment.
“The contributory pension scheme is a curse in this state. It has become very difficult for us to have access to our personal contribution into the scheme. It may be a nice scheme but the government has failed woefully in their responsibility by not remitting their own share. They deliberately decided to hide under the cover that the paucity of funds in the government purse.” MR. AJALA OLADEJO AWOLOLA (64 YR. OLD), a retired principal and teacher in Osun State. 2022